


Employee Separation Barrier | Mondays With Milt 

Last week, we launched our new employee separation barrier product. Milt talks a little about the new product this week on Mondays With Milt.

Two Types of Employee Separation Barrier

Welcome to another episode of Mondays With Milt. Now today I'm out here in the production area. We're in the innovation part of our production plant and we're looking at a couple of new products here. These are the separation barriers. So if you've got people working close to each other out on an assembly line, on a factory floor, in a warehouse area, these are great separation barriers that we've come up with.

Standard Separation Barrier

This one here is our standard separation barrier. We have a 3-foot high polycarbonate sheet by 4 foot wide. It's got an angle frame construction. Down here at the bottom, we've got a tube frame with a 2-inch caster. It's very mobile, very easy to spin this around. You can see how we bolted in the polycarbonate sheet. So it's a really nice standard duty opportunity for you to put barriers between your employees to keep them safe.

WireCrafters Polycarbonate Employee Separation Panel

Heavy Duty Separation Barrier

On this side, this is the heavy-duty model. This is gonna take a lot of abuse if that's the way your plant floor is. So it's a full-height sheet of polycarbonate. 4-foot wide, 6-foot tall. It's got a 2-inch square tubing frame. Then we've got a gusset coming down made of that same 2-inch tube, a larger, 4-inch caster, but again, this one is very mobile, and quickly, you can move it around without any trouble. And again, we've got the polycarbonate all bolted into place. So that's what we have today.

WireCrafters Polycarbonate Employee Heavy Duty Separation Panel


We've got two styles of a separation barrier. We've got the standard duty. We've got the heavy-duty. Both of these are ready to ship in about a week depending on your volume. Go to wirecrafters.com. See your local dealer, and let's see if we can help you with this. We'll see you next week on another episode of Mondays With Milt.

About Mondays With Milt

Mondays With Milt is a weekly series hosted by our Company President, Milt Tandy. Milt travels to different areas of the shop, his home, and occasionally out of state. He brings fun and a lot of product knowledge! Subscribe to our YouTube channel or follow us on our other social media channels to see more of Milt!

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