


DEA Drug Storage Cage

If you store controlled substances classified under even the least restrictive DEA drug schedule, regardless of the reason, you need secure storage to ensure these substances are not accessed by unauthorized persons. The DEA has strict requirements for controlled substances which must be followed.

Whether you store controlled substances for the purposes of law enforcement, research, sales, or etc., DEA approved cages by WireCrafters provide essential security for materials such as these.

DEA Approved Cages For Class III-V Must Meet the Following Standards:

  • Self-closing and self-locking doors
  • Walls made from No.10 steel fabric or greater with openings no more than 2-1/2" corner to corner, mounted securely on steel posts no more than ten feet apart, reinforced horizontally
  • Walls mounted to posts one inch in diameter, lagged to the floor
  • Ceiling of identical materials to panels, or reaching the structural ceiling
  • Panels mount flush with the floor

Above The Standard

At WireCrafters, we believe in always going above the requirements and standards. We have years of experience providing DEA approved enclosures to the drug and pharmaceutical industry and have never failed a DEA inspection to date!

Our wire partitions make it possible to construct a DEA controlled substance storage cage of virtually any size or shape. The DEA cage can have a free span ceiling up to 30' or a ceiling of any size with vertical support tubes. Panels can also be stacked to any height so that the DEA cage can be tied into the facility's existing walls and ceiling. All of our slide and hinge doors can be made self-closing and accessible with a card reader or ten digit keypad with the installation of an electric strike or mag lock. We offer a number of standard and custom secured storage lock options to meet the self-closing and self-locking requirement, as well as a line of self-closing doors with mechanical and powered operators.

WireCrafters DEA drug storage cage system uses the same panels in walls and ceilings. Furthermore, our secured storage system is so strong that panels can be stacked between posts to reach the ceiling of almost any building. Also, a simple modification to the hole layout on WireCrafters stock posts eliminates the sweep space allowing flush to floor mounting of the wire mesh panels as required for this application.

Drug Cage Features

Our wire cages do not only address the security needs of storing controlled substances. Regardless of the requirements imposed on entities who store controlled substances, WireCrafter’s custom DEA storage wire cages deliver a whole range of features ideal for the needs of the important job of securing controlled substances.

Wire mesh wall and ceiling panels built from heavy 10 gauge wire and square steel posts spaced 10' apart or closer with welded base plates deliver the total security package. The wire panels allow an individual to know what is held without being given access to the contents of the enclosure. Wire panels also allow for the free movement of air so that the contents of the cage do not suffer from the accretion moisture - an important feature for the purposes of evidence and research.

All Cages Meet DEA Requirements

The DEA requires that all secured enclosures containing schedules III through V controlled substances must be self-closing and self-locking. WireCrafters patented safety locks specifically meet the industry's needs. Our wire cages feature precisely the kinds of self-closing, self-locking doors, with panels flush with the floor, and composed of heavy-duty hardware that ensures total security to meet the strict requirements imposed by the DEA. Our goal is not just to meet the DEA standards, but to exceed them.

 Flexibility is Key to Reliable Scheduled Substance Storage

As a leading manufacturer of secure wire partition cages for all purposes industrial and beyond, WireCrafters has perfected the art and science of fabricating highly secure enclosures for security and safety. Our custom cages can be made to conform to the dimensional requirements of any space and the security needs of any organization.

We have the experience and the expertise to ensure your drug enclosure meets or exceeds DEA standards. We’re here to help you get the safety and customization you need to store controlled substances securely. Contact us or request a quote for more information.

To learn more about our DEA Drug Storage Cages or get a quote, please click the image below.

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DEA Drug Cage

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