


- Welcome to another episode of Mondays With Milt. Now today we're on vacation, and we are in Roma.

- Roma.

- Roma, Italy! And were with... . And were here with all of our friends! Can you show everyone? [Milt] And we've got our friends from Roma here.

- [Man] Roma! Roma! So, we're on vacation, we're taking a break from...

- [Woman] Go, go, go!

- So can I help you serve a beer?

- Yeah.

- Okay, here you go.

- [Woman] Jack Daniel's!

- [Woman] Jack Daniel's! All right, we do not have Jack Daniel's! So next week we will have more Mondays With Milt. We'll do some more work, but this week we're gonna have some more fun in Rome, Italy. We are on our way to Florence tomorrow, and then on to Venice. And we will see you next week, on another episode of Mondays With Milt.

Mondays With Milt Ideas

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