


National Safety Month

National Safety Month Episode Transcript:

Milt: Welcome to another episode of Mondays With Milt. Now, the month of June is National Safety Month and today I'm here with Rich Horn, our plant manager. You've seen him on this show on occasion and he's got the safety team together and we're looking at the mesh department. So Rich why don't you go ahead and just kinda tell what's going on today?

Rich: Once a month, we have representatives from each department and facility, including our third shift and management representatives and we pick a department in production and we do an observation using the stop safety cycle and we come out, do a physical observation about what is wrong, what could go wrong, and we just identify opportunities for improvement.

How Long Since an Accident?

Milt: Very good, and I'll let you tell, we've got a really good safety record going right now, so how long have we been going?

Rich: We just celebrated 12 months and we're almost at 13 months without an OSHA recordable injury in our facility. We're really proud of that, we celebrated that and getting everybody's commitment to keep going forward without injuries.

Milt: And I hear you on occasion, you tell the employees, let's go home the way that you came in this morning.

Rich: So let's make a decision, every time you leave home, we're gonna come back to our loved ones the way we left 'em. We're gonna come home safe and tell 'em about the day that we had.

Milt: Alright, well thank you Rich.

Rich: Yes, sir.

Milt: It's National Safety Month and that's what we have this week. We'll see ya again next week on another episode of Mondays With Milt.

Mondays With Milt Ideas

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