


Mondays With Milt - Solid Sheet Metal Panels

Solid Sheet Metal Panels

It could be quality control, special inventory. Welcome to another episode of Mondays with Milt. Now this morning, I'm out again on the production floor. And what you see here behind me is some solid sheet metal panel. So that is a 16-gauge sheet metal, welded into the angle frame. Now why do people want them? Well, for building enclosures and they don't want people to see what's inside the cage. It could be quality control, special inventory, something they're doing for one of their customers, but they don't want people to see what's going on inside this area. In this case, they went with one of our special colors, as you can see the blue paint. We keep seven stock colors. We've got red, white, blue, orange, yellow, tan that we keep in stock in addition to the beautiful standard machine gray. Well, that's all we got this week. We'll see you next week on another episode of Mondays with Milt.

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