


Wire Partitions Case Study | Strata Network

Strata Networks is a telecommunications provider that offers telephone, cable TV, and internet services to the rural areas of Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming.

Strata received a brand new warehouse facility with a system designed using several WireCrafters warehousing wire partitions products in order to keep their operations running as smoothly and efficiently as possible. WireCrafters products are the perfect solutions for your storage needs. No matter what size panels or components you need, our custom capabilities will meet it.

Dealer:  Hoj Innovations

Project: Warehouse for Inventory and Organizational Purposes

End User: Strata Networks


Wire Partitions Solve a Problem

Due to the rapid growth of Strata Networks, they needed a new facility to accommodate their expansion. Although they considered doing a remodel to their current facility, it would not have left room for future growth. Their warehouse operations were becoming unorganized and limiting their efficiency. To keep up with customer demand, they knew they had to make a change.
"It made it difficult to know where items were and when we needed them. It made it difficult to inventory those items, cycle count those items, and run physical inventories because it was so spread out. At this point, we knew we needed more space. We needed a system and a facility that allowed us to keep everything under one roof."
Strata Networks was in need of a full warehouse redesign and construction when they sought out Hoj Innovations.
Casey Long of Strata Networks, said, "Nick Wills, account executive at Hoj Innovations, along with the team of engineers put together a complete plan to bring efficiency back to their operation." This included features such as an entirely new pallet rack design, racking, wire partitions, and more.


After the initial meeting to discuss their needs, the installation process was quick and efficient– allowing them to get back to operating at max speed and capacity. In fact, Strata Network immediately saw an increase in their cube use.

The racking installed was larger than what Strata had before, so they were able to increase the amount and/or size of merchandise they could store. "The design allows us to keep growing."

We were able to offer Strata Networks some of our warehouse solutions to meet their needs. If you are in need of any products or components for your warehouse, reach out to us here to get a quote.

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